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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Designer Feature Chat Recap

Hi there! If you attended last night's designer feature chat, you know that I had a little problem with promptness. ;) While some of the other Orchard Girls killed time, this image was born:

Okay, okay. Cut me some slack. I mean, it's not like it was a chat specifically about me. Oh, wait.

I digress.

My reason for running late is a tad morbid. My boyfriend and I had gone to the International Museum of Surgical Science for an Autopsy Seminar presented by The Autopsy Center of Chicago.

Super interesting and informative...if you're into that kind of thing. ;)

This guy was there:

Anysnooch. Once I was able to connect to the chat, Kami asked me about my favorite products in my store. While it's definitely a toss up between My Au-some Kid and Apocalypse, we chatted for a few minutes about Autism and heard from quite a few attendees whose family members are also on the spectrum. It's always so nice to hear stories from people experiencing the same types of things you are, right? I talked a little about my inspiration for the kit and reason for wanting to scrap with it, my eleven year old son, Rickey Jay.

I also touched in my inspiration for this month's designer feature products. Rickey Jay's dad lives in Florida, while we live near Chicago. A little over a month ago, I went with him for his first trip on an airplane. 

You can learn more about how to grab the First Flight products here:

I touched on some of the reasons why it takes so much effort to balance designing and 'real life'...

 Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

We've got Cub Scouts & Boy Scouts...

We've got karate and baseball...

And sometimes, I'm keeping busy volunteering for different PTO events with our Elementary and Middle Schools, like these awesome glow in the dark dances:

(my boyfriend's son Everett & my son Aidan)

 (me, Rickey Jay and my sister Megan)

I was *told* that before I managed to stroll into my chat almost ten minutes late, the girls talked about my love for zombies and creating canvas art.

So that's me. Join us again May 20th for another chat and freebie :)


  1. So fun! Love the recap since I missed it!

  2. Love this! I wasn't able to attend either so it was nice to hear about it! :)
