Hello again, everybody! I'm running a few days behind on getting this blog post up, but such is life, eh? If you're anything like me, you're usually on the run. A bunch of kid activities mashed into one day. That was last Thursday for me. Well, really, any Thursday. But last week we had another activity to fit in.
Thursdays are soccer and Cub Scouts. I coach my 2nd grader's soccer team with the help of his dad and another player's parent. That's from 5pm-6pm. Then, usually we have an hour gap before Scouts for both of my kids at 7pm. Last week, my 5th grader had band placement in between. You may be wondering what this has to do with my new release...
One aspect of my life that I haven't been very open about is the fact that I'm the parent of a child on the Autism Spectrum. It seems the older he gets and the more expectations I.... expected... to have, are thrown out the window. I was inspired to make this kit when I looked around and only saw one or two kits with an autism theme. I hope that some of my friends out there in digiland can use this to scrapbook memories that they may not have been able to otherwise.
As always, new releases are 20% off their first week of release. You can grab My Au-Some Kid on sale until Friday, September 19th.
by Chel
by Laura